Q+A: Why solar? Consider the less tangible side.


Q+A with Randy Wetzel, REACH Animal Hospital

Solar-powered since: 2015

System size: 55.44 kW system

System type: Grid-tied solar. (Net-metered.)

CO2 to be reduced over system lifetime: 1263 tons, or 31.3 acres of carbon absorbing forest

Tax credits: 30% federal and 35% NC state tax credit 

Since switching to solar, our project has spurred many conversations with clients, employees and folks just passing by. We have had people stop in just to ask about the panels or to say how great it is that we have gone solar. That is a wonderful feeling.
— Randy Wetzel, REACH

SHS: What was the inner whisper that prompted you to switch to solar power to run your business?

RW: The inner whisper was actually a loud shout (maybe not as loud back then as it is now) by environmental scientists to reduce CO2 emissions and move toward renewable energy. 

SHS: What were you trying to achieve when you first decided to go solar?

RW:  In doing the project at REACH I wanted to take advantage of a large roof structure to place as many solar panels on our roof as possible to help offset our energy usage. I wanted to do my part to improve our environment and to make the world a better place for our children. Of course our project in itself will not accomplish this but I hope to inspire others to do the same. Together we can make a positive impact.

SHS: How does solar fit into your mission at REACH?

RW: Solar doesn’t necessarily fit the mission at REACH but it fits my personal mission. By bringing a bit our mission as individuals to our business we personalize our business, making it unique. This being said, I do find many of our employees and clients appreciate what we have done and that makes me happy. 

SHS: What’s something you’ve noticed since switching to solar?

RW: I enjoy seeing the website showing us how much CO2 emissions we have prevented, the equivalence of taking "x" number of cars off the road or planting "x" number of trees. 

SHS: Any advice for other businesses considering solar?

RW: Perform your due diligence and evaluate the economics, but don't forget to consider the less tangible side of things. It is the right thing to do for us and the generations to follow. How we spend our money may be more powerful than the vote we cast!

Want to learn more about going solar as a business? Read about our commercial solar offerings here.